
- Tube-stock and cell-stock available
- Tree guards available
- Landscape plants in 125mm pots
- Specializing in local indigenous seedlings
- Coastal seedlings
- 35 years of Nursery operation
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Seedlings & Landscape Plants Available
Tubestock $2.75 + GST
Tubestock 100+ $2.60 + GST
Tubestock 1000+ $2.50 + GST
125mm Pots $11.50 + GST
* Denotes Non Local Plant
Botanical Name | Common Name | Dimensions(m)(HxW) |
Acacia cupularis | Umbrella Wattle | 2 x 2 |
Acacia mearnsii | Black Wattle | 8 x 6 |
Acacia melanoxylon | Blackwood | 10 x 6 |
Acacia pycnantha | Golden Wattle | 7 x 4 |
Agonis flexuosa | Willow Myrtle | 8 x 8 |
Allocasuarina verticillata | She-oak | 10 x 8 |
Banksia marginata | Honey-suckle | 6 x 4 |
Banksia praemorsa | Cut-leaf Banksia | 3 x 3 |
Callistemon rugulosus | Swamp Bottlebrush | 3 x 3 |
Carex appressa | Tall Sedge | 0.6 x 0.6 |
Carpobrutus rossii | Pig-face | Ground cover x 2 |
Cuppressus macrocarpa * | Cypress | 10-15 x 10 |
Dodonaea viscosa | Native Hop | 4 x 2 |
Eucalyptus baxteri | Brown Stringybark | 15 x 10 |
Eucalyptus caesia | Gungaroo | 3 x 3 |
Euclyptus citriodora | Lemon Scented Gum | 15 x 10 |
Eucalyptus cosmophylla | Cup Gum | 6 x 6 |
Eucalyptus diversifolia | SA Coast Mallee | 7 x 7 |
Eucalyptus fasiculosa | Hill Gum | 8 x 6 |
Eucalyptus ficifolia* | WA Flowering Gum | 10 x 10 |
Eucalyptus gomphocephala* | Tuart Gum | 15 x 10 |
Eucalyptus leucoxylon megalocarpa | Dingley Dell Gum | 10 x 8 |
Eucalyptus leucoxylon rosea | Red Flowering Gum | 10 x 8 |
Eucalyptus maculata | Spotted Gum | 15 x 8 |
Eucalyptus obliqua | Messmate Stringy-bark | 10 x 6 |
Eucalyptus ovata | White Gum | 5 x 8 |
Eucalyptus platypus * | Moort Gum | 6 x 6 |
Eucalyptus viminalis cygnetensis | Manna Gum | 12 x 6 |
Ficinea nodosa | Knobby Club Rush | 1 x 1 |
Ixodia achillaeoides | Cliff-top Daisy | 1 x 1 |
Kennedia prostrata | Running Postman | Ground cover x 3 |
Leptospermum lanigerum | Woolly Tea-tree | 4 x 2 |
Leptospermum gladiatum | Coast Sword Sedge | 1 x 1 |
Leucophyta brownii | Cushion Bush | 1 x 1 |
Lomandra longifolia | Mat-rush | 1 x 1 |
Melaleuca armillaris | Bracelet Honey Myrtle | 4 x 4 |
Melaleuca diosmifolia | Green Honey Myrtle | 2 x 2 |
Melaleuca ericifolia | Paperbark | 4 x 4 |
Melaleuca gibbosa | Slender Honey Myrtle | 1 x 1 |
Melaleuca halmaturorum | Paperbark | 8 x 5 |
Melaleuca hueglii * | Chenille Honey-myrtle | 2 x 2 |
Melaleuca lanceolata | Dry-land tea tree | 10 x 8 |
Melaleuca nesophila* | Western Honey Myrtle | 4 x 4 |
Melaleuca pulchella | Claw Honey Myrtle | 1 x 1 |
Melaleuca squarrosa | Swamp Honey-Myrtle | 2 x 2 |
Myoporum insulare | Boobialla | 5 x 5 |
Olearia axillaris | Coast Daisy | 2 x 2 |
Olearia ramulosa | Twiggy Daisy Bush | 1 x 1 |
Pelagonium australe | Native Pelagonium | 0.3 x 0.3 |
Poa labillardieri | Tussock Grass | 0.5 x 0.5 |
Landscape Plants
* Denotes Non Local Plant
Botanical Name | Common Name | Dimensions(m)(HxW) |
Correa* | Dusky Bells | 0.5 x 0.5 |
Correa* | Marion's Marvel | 2 x 2 |
Correa* | Redex | 1 x 1 |
Correa | reflexa | 0.5 x 0.5 |
Correa alba | Pink | 2 x 2 |
Grevillea* | Clear-view David | 2 x 2 |
Grevillea* | Forest Rambler | 2 x 2 |
Grevillea* | Olivacea Red | 2 x 2 |
Grevillea* | Wynparra Gem | 3 x 3 |
Pimelea* | Bonne Petite | 1 x 1 |
Myoporum | parvifolium | Ground cover x 2m |
Westringia fruiticosa* | Coast Rosemary | 2 X 3 |
Westringia* | Smokie | 1.5 x 1.5 |
Westringia* | Wynabbie Gem | 2 x 2 |